Sunday, September 22, 2013

Welding all the pieces together - Robot framework does it with ease.

Its been a forced transition from Programming language platform to a keyword driven platform as far as the automation scripting is concerned for my new project. Initially I was really worried about from  delivery perspective as well as from technical standpoint. It didn't last for more than a day and slowly I found the rhythm and now enjoying the comfort for the keyword driven framework from the first time.

As long as I started writing the scripts I thought of sharing some good examples to others who would like to enjoy this easiness as well.

Keep an eye on this space for useful tips for robotframework.

Initially I will be concentrating on the web testing using the selenium and web service testing using the http libraries. Also expect example for database testing as well.

Friday, February 1, 2013

Jemmy the superagent for Java App automation

Do you have a java application candiate, for testing? Bored of the repetitive manual UI interaction span over the iteration after iteration? Ever dreamt about a robotic agent who does all the UI simulation for you? Jemmy is your saviour.